Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Did you know that your cat should be in to see us once a year all their life, and sometimes twice a year when they’re over seven years of age? Today is National “Take Your Cat to the Vet” Day—if your cat is due for a visit with us at Avondale Veterinary Healthcare Complex, call and schedule one today. Regular visits can help your cat live longer, because we can identify and treat problems sooner.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pets & Over-the-Counter Medications

It’s important to keep your medicines out of your pet’s reach at all times, because human medication can be toxic to your pets! When your pet feels sick or is acting under the weather, never give them a human medicine, but bring them in for veterinary care instead. Even if you mean well, a dose of human medicine could be fatal to your pet.